For the past 10 years, Glen Klassen has been a technical adviser for Fox Blocks, a division of Airlite Plastics Corp., a leading manufacturer of insulated concrete forms (ICFs). He has more than 30 years of experience in the concrete industry including being a Red Seal Journeyman Carpenter building high-end custom homes for 12 years, delivering construction materials technical services for Lafarge for two and a half years, and serving as the technical manager and a trainer for Blue Maxx/Arxx ICF for 18 years. He has conducted more than 500 in-class and on-site trainings on ICF installation. Glen, who lives in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, is a member of Concrete Manitoba (founded as theManitoba Ready Mix Concrete Association) and the Manitoba Building Envelope Council.
Learn from Glen at the Concrete Decor Show